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Ladies and Gentlemen,


I want to thank those of you that braved the cold and attended last month’s meeting. I was very pleased with the turn out considering the cold and the new location that we are now meeting at. For those of you unaware, due to some changes implemented by the county commissioners, we have had to change our meeting location to Downtown Pizza.


In other business, this month’s guest speaker is John Dooley with the NC Wildlife. John will touch on a verity of subjects as well as answer any questions that you may have. John has said that once the new regulations are passed for this year he would like to come back and go over those with the members as well. So let’s show John some gratitude for taking time out of his busy schedule to spend the evening with us.


In closing, I look forward to seeing you tomorrow on Tuesday, February 20, 2024, at 7:00pm, at Downtown Pizza. For those unfamiliar with the location of Downtown Pizza, it is located at 52 Hiwassee Street Murphy NC 28906.



Jeff Gustason

MCRGC January 2024 Meeting Minutes


In attendance: Joe Liguori, Sue Liguori, Jeff Gustason, Mark Graham, Chuck Hoesch, Mary Ann Hoesch, John Marshall, Jim Garrison, Todd Bliven, Tim Portik, Joyce Portik, Nona Miguel, Doug Miguel, Tom Coy, Dan Dones, and Bill Henz. 


*Meeting called to order at 7:04 pm. The pledge was led by Bill Henz. 


*Jeff explained that the Cherokee Co. commissioners raised the rent for meetings at the senior center to $50.00. More importantly, they would not allow meetings to occur after normal business hours. For this reason, Jeff sought out alternative meeting sights. The owner of Downtown Pizza graciously offered one of their meeting rooms. There is no rent per se, other than we put up $25.00 in food credits for each meeting to be utilized by the members at the meeting. All in attendance were in approval with this change. 


*The financial report for 2023 was circulated and approved without discussion.


The club’s account balance is $5,471.33 on 12/29/2023. 


*Elliot is still dealing with personal issues and is unable to attend meetings. He is in the process of transferring our main server usage to Joyce who will be handling our newsletter and email correspondence. Joe L. will continue to handle memberships. 


*Joe L. made a suggestion that we add local meat processing sites tour website. This was met with approval from the body. 


*The game warden for our area will be speaking at our February meeting. 


*A motion was made, seconded, and approved to accept the treasure’s report and adjourn the meeting at 7:35 pm. 


Respectfully Submitted

Joe Liguori
